The Content of Your Character

New downloadable content is on the WFRP support page

31 December 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Monsters for Hire

The Creature Guide and Vault for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay are now on sale

29 December 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Weave Tales of Grim Peril

An Overview of the Game Master's Guide and Vault for WFRP

28 December 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Play Your Part

An overview of the Player's Guide and Player's Vault for WFRP

20 December 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

More To Master

The Game Master's Guide and Vault for WFRP are now available

20 December 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

More Options, More Players

The Player's Guide and the Player's Vault for WFRP are now available

17 December 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Sung in a Pitch as Dark as Night

Announcing The Witch's Song, an adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

16 December 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

New Options for the Old World

Discover the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay core content that's right for you

Unleash the Hordes

A glimpse into the Creature Vault for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Know Your Enemies

A glimpse into The Creature Guide for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Divine Guidance Has Arrived

Signs of Faith, a WFRP supplement, is at your local retailer

Tools to Master

A glimpse into the Game Master's Vault for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Master the Old World

A preview of the Game Master's Guide for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

30 September 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Tools for Adventure

A glimpse into the Player's Vault for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

23 September 2010 | Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

A Tome of Versatility

A glimpse into the Player's Guide for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

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