Who We Are
Since 1995, Fantasy Flight Games has earned a reputation for its innovative gameplay, immersive gaming experiences, and top-quality game components. As a leading hobby game company based out of Roseville, Minnesota, FFG publishes a massive array of board and card games.
Many of FFG’s most popular titles are a mixture of beloved licenses—such as Star Wars™, Marvel, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, and George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire—and our own proprietary licenses, such as Arkham Horror Files, Terrinoth Legends, and Twilight Imperium.
Throughout the course of the studio’s history, FFG has created and published games in multiple genres, including board, card, miniature, and roleplaying games, as well as trademarked Living Card Games® in over thirty languages and distributed them to more than fifty territories. In 2014, FFG further expanded its international reach by merging with the Asmodee Group.
You can find us on Facebook and Instagram and follow @FFGames on Twitter. We also have FFG Live, a series of livestreams that we host on our YouTube channel.
Contact Us
Fantasy Flight Games
1995 County Road B2 West
Roseville, MN 55113
United States of America
Phone: 651-639-1905
Fax: 651-639-1764
Office hours: 10AM-6PM CST (-6:00 GMT)
To address an issue to a specific department, use this form to contact us.
If you have a rules question, visit the rules questions page. We are unable to answer rules questions by phone.
Fantasy Flight Games does not accept unsolicited game design or development submissions, or unsolicited writing submissions. We do not allow unsolicited visitors to our offices. Please notify us in advance if you wish to stop by.