Chart the Galaxy
Introducing a Twilight Imperium Map Design Contest
Congratulations to our Winners!
3 Player—Rex “Wekker” Hearn with “Three’s a Crowd”
4 Player—Matthew Pana with “Chokepoint”
5 Player—Jacob Turner with “Race for Mecatol”
6 Player—Daniel Young with an unnamed map
7 Player—Paul Brown with “Magi’s Madness”
8 Player—Phillip Henning with “Junk Yard Doggo”
Every time you play a game of Twilight Imperium, you start by constructing your own galaxy, filled with strange planetary clusters and unusual species of aliens. Adrift in the dark interstellar void, your civilization will engage in a grand political and military struggle, navigating fleets of warships and exploratory expeditions into the heart of the board that you’ve created.
Though players typically work together to build their galaxy for every new game, you can also construct a custom board on your own—and this is your chance to show off your map-building skills! Today, Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce a Pre-Made Map Contest for Twilight Imperium!
A Galactic Challenge
If you think that you can make a Twilight Imperium map that’s more inventive, more unusual, and most importantly, more fun to play than any other map, you’ll have the opportunity to share your creation with designer Dane Beltrami and, if selected as a winner, with the entire Twilight Imperium community in Volume 2 of the Imperial Codex.
The rules of the contest are simple:
1. Choose a player count—3 Players, 4 Players, 5 Players, 6 Players, 7 Players, or 8 Players. There will be one winner for each player count, and the six winning pre-made maps will be featured in Volume 2 of the Imperial Codex.
Each person can submit a map for only one player count. Submissions beyond your first will not be considered.
2. Build your map, following these specifications:
- The map can use any red- or blue-backed system tiles from Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition or the Prophecy of Kings expansion.
- The nine hyperlane tiles can be used.
- A single system tile cannot be used twice, including hyperlanes—only one copy of each product can be used.
- The map must be playable by any factions—home systems cannot be used in the map design.
- The map should adhere to the provided shape, and must include Mecatol Rex as well as an appropriate number of player home systems, but can vary in where Mecatol Rex and those home systems are placed. Hyperlanes may also be used to achieve nonstandard adjacency and resource scarcity.
Every system tile features an identifying number, which must be used when filling out your map template.
3. Fill out the provided template with the numbers located in the leftmost corner of each system tile. Leave a field blank to indicate a player home system—otherwise, all fields must be filled. Click the links to download the 3 Player Template (2 MB), the 4-6 Player Template (2 MB), and the 7-8 Player Template (2 MB).
This image shows an example of how to fill out the template for your map design submission!
4. Send your completed template and a picture of your map (phone quality is fine) to [email protected] with the subject line “Map Contest – X”, where X is the player count of your included map. If you want to note anything particular about your map, write a brief explanation in the email.
5. To be considered, all submissions must be sent in by January 31, 2021.
And that’s it! Dane Beltrami will review all submissions and notify the winners via email—the winners may be asked to provide a small amount of additional information about the design of their map for inclusion in the Codex. Follow this link to read the full contest rules (144 KB).
We can’t wait to see the unique and creative maps that the Twilight Imperium community can invent—and we’re beyond excited to share the winners with you with Volume 2 of the Imperial Codex in February. Good luck to all!