A Good Omen
European and North American Championship Prizes for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
"Man's hour on earth is almost done. We must act boldly, or all hope is lost. Westeros must unite beneath her one true king, the prince that was promised."
–Melisandre, A Storm of Swords
Prepare yourself for the wars to come!
Two of the greatest battles in A Game of Thrones: The Card Game now lie before us. The 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game European and North American Championships are coming to the UK Games Expo and Gen Con Indy, respectively.
Lords, ladies, knights, and spies will all come into play to decide the outcomes of these battles, and the outcome of your ambitions for the Iron Throne. But these battles will be perilous. Many will fall. They may shine for a moment, but the battle will continue and drag them down. But for the winners? The victors will rise to new heights of power.
The victorious heroes will be lauded and rewarded. They will receive gold, castles, and lordships—or if not gold, castles, and lordships, they'll receive a pile of fantastic alternate art cards, custom tokens, medallions, commemorative card binders, trophies… and a chance to vie for the Iron Throne at the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championships!
The prize support at both the European and North American Championships starts out strong—with a promise of Retaliation!
Each participant will receive an alternate art Retaliation card featuring a stunning battle scene by Tomasz Jedruszek.
Additionally, each participant will receive a set of alternate art faction cards, each adorned by beautiful and iconic artwork by such notable artists as Jacob Murray, Cristi Balanescu, Magali Villeneuve, Alexandre Dainche, and Michael Komarck.
Day 2
Make the Day 2 cut at either the European or North American Championships, and you'll receive additional laurels in the form of a set of fifteen acrylic tokens—all decorated with the green and gold of House Tyrell.
Top 64
As the Top 64 players continue deeper into the tournament, they'll each receive another prize to prepare them for the battles that still lie ahead—a plastic, spot-glossed version of The Wars to Come.
This Omen agenda increases your plot deck to ten cards and gives you greater flexibility each plot phase—even if it features a portrait of the notoriously inflexible Stannis Baratheon.
Top 32
Trample your foes on the battlefield. Poison their lords and ladies. Cut their allies out from under them. If you can work your way into the Top 32, you'll receive a commemorative binder that will stand testament to your performance, even as it helps you sort and store all the other prizes you've received.
Proudly displaying either the European Championship or North American Championship logo atop a blue background layered with the appropriate flags, this binder holds nine standard-sized cards per page and up to 360 cards total—perfect for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. An elastic fastener wraps over the back to keep it shut securely.
Top 16
The Top 16 participants at the A Game of Thrones: The Card Game European Championship and North American Championship will receive a medallion bearing the event's logo.
Top 8
Your opponent might only expect your Retaliation twice a game, but if you make the Top 8, you'll be able to hold the threat before your opponent's face from the very beginning of the game until well after the final betrayal has taken its toll.
The Top 8 participants at the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game European and North American Championships will each receive a commemorative playmat featuring the same art by Tomasz Jedruszek as it appears on the alternate-art Retaliation participation prize.
Top 4
Make the Top 4 at either the European or North American Championships, and you'll have proven yourself a tremendous asset to your House—one who knows how to win battles or motivate others to fight for you. You'll have proven yourself an unpredictable and potent challenger for the Iron Throne, and we'll hope to see you competing for the game's top honors at the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championships!
For their efforts, each of the Top 4 players at the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game European and North American Championships will earn a free event ticket for the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championships.
The Runners-Up at the European and North American Championships each earn a first-round bye in addition to their reserved seat and free event entry. More than this, each Runner-Up also walks away with a plaque in honor of his or her placement.
As everyone now knows, when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. And to the winner, life means a chance for more power, more battles, and more treachery. It seems there's never a shortage of adversaries looking to tear you down—even (or especially) when you sit atop the throne.
Accordingly, after they have a moment to enjoy a temporary peace and the beauty of their trophies, the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game European and North American Champions will each receive a flight and lodging to the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championships!
There, at the World Championships, they'll be able to pursue their agendas even further, mingle with like-minded schemers among the other Houses, and race to battle against the greatest military minds in Westeros. Fortunately, thanks to the sucess of their schemes, these Champions will have each earned themselves a first-round Prize Bye, allowing them to slip past their opponents' first line of defense and aim for the lords and ladies who matter most.
The 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game European and North American Champions will also each receive free World Championship event entry for one friend.
Melee at the 2018 European and North American Championships
Thoros of Myr. Brienne of Tarth. Robert Baratheon. Legendary figures all.
The path to the World Championships may fall through the Joust, but there have been plenty of legends forged in the melees of A Game of Thrones, as well. Attend the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game events at either UK Games Expo or Gen Con Indy, and you'll have your chance to join them. You'll also put yourself in the running for a set of prizes exclusive to the melee!
Each participant in the Melee events at UK Games Expo and Gen Con Indy will win a set of alternate art melee titles, all backed by a map of Westeros decorated with the crests of all eight of the game's factions.
The winner, meanwhile, will walk away happier (and possibly bruised) for having stood fast against all challengers and claiming a special Melee playmat with a picture of Stannis Baratheon's armies trudging stubbornly through the snow.
Worth the Risk
In the game of thrones, the stakes are high. There are many clever lords and ladies scheming against each other. There are many talented knights and archers. There is magic. There are dragons. And there is an army of the dead lurking beyond the Wall. Westeros is not a safe place, nor for the faint of heart. But you cannot win the Iron Throne if you sit on the sidelines. If you do not play, you cannot win at all.
Don your armor. Send your letters of deception. Mix your poisons. And register now to secure your seat in the 2018 European or North American Championships. The risk is great, but the sweetness of your victories will make your efforts well worth the risk!