Something to Remember
See the Prizes from the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championships
Lord Tywin did not suffer disloyalty in his vassals. He had extinguished the proud Reynes of Castamere and the ancient Tarbecks of Tarbeck Hall root and branch when he was still half a boy. The singers had even made a rather gloomy song of it.
–George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords
If you're looking to establish your reputation as a strong leader, you could extinguish a couple of rebellious vassals root and branch… or you could win a 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship!
Massive, energetic, and high-stakes celebrations of all the greatest players and strategies in A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship tournaments are certain to feature top-tier competitors, decks heavily laden with deadly schemes, and plot decks that unfold into dramatic reversals of fortune. They're also certain to feature some of the game's coolest prizes.
Top 64
The Top 64 participants at each 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship will each receive a copy of Milk of the Poppy with alternate artwork by Jason Jenicke.
There's a delicious irony to the idea of a Milk of the Poppy souvenir, as the card's strength lies in its ability to make your opponent's characters forget themselves—slowing their minds and easing them into a haze through which they can no longer access their unique game text.
Top 32
There's a certain irony in the Top 32 prize as well.
The Top 32 participants at each 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship will receive a double-sided, spot-glossed plastic card, featuring a pair of agendas—The Conclave and "The Rains of Castamere".
While the Maesters represented by The Conclave are known for their educations and long memories, they are known, also, for their secrecy. Supposedly loyal to the Houses they serve, these Maesters are often as mysterious and inscrutable as the most devious schemers among the lords and ladies of the Seven Kingdoms.
Meanwhile, as a souvenir, "The Rains of Castamere" is less a celebration of your acomplishments than it is a tool to inspire fear and respect in your opponents. Named after the song that commemorated Tywin Lannister's extermination of the disloyal Reynes and Tarbecks, "The Rains of Castamere" boldly proclaims the devastation in store for anyone who would attempt to thwart your schemes.
Top 16
The Top 16 participants at each 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship earn yet another tool to remind their opponents of the likely consequences of their battles—a set of fifteen acrylic tokens featuring the flayed man of House Bolton.
Top 8
After scheming and battling your way into the Top 8 at one of the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championships, you'll be ready for some respite from the flayed men, shattered castles, and dreamless sleep represented by the other prizes you'll have won.
Instead, you'll receive a playmat that carries you north to the Wall, where your breath clouds in the cold air, and wildlings gather in Castle Black in hopes they'll survive the winter—and the advancing armies of the white walkers.
With its stunning image of Val, the wildling woman whose beauty captivated Stannis Baratheon and his knights, this playmat reminds you that life can be beautiful—although the only way to stay alive is to keep winning all your battles.
Top 4
To make the Top 4 at a 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship, you'll need the support of all types of characters—not just your House's most prominent lords and ladies, but knights, maesters, and armies, as well. You'll also need a good deal of support from the lords, ladies, and knights of those Houses who have pledged their banners to yours.
These lesser Houses find recognition at the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championships not only in the House Bolton tokens, but also in the wooden faction card awarded to each of the Top 4 participants.
This eye-catching faction card may declare that you fight for House Stark, but it also shows that you do so as a member of House Mormont.
As a finalist at one of the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championships, you'll find yourself positioned among the most powerful knights, Lords, and Ladies in the Seven Kingdoms.
Moreover, you'll have positioned yourself to climb another step up the ladder toward the ultimate prize—the title of World Champion. The Top 2 players at each 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship earn a free seat at the next A Game of Throne: The Card Game World Championship!
National Champion
Win a 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship, and you'll have done more than just position yourself among the greatest powers in Westeros; you'll have proven yourself to be one of them—a lord or lady among commoners—and your victory will be accompanied by a trophy featuring Margaery Tyrell being celebrated atop her steed.
With her beauty and generosity toward the common folk of King's Landing, Margaery Tyrell earned herself the love and adoration of the masses—even while she clawed her way into power with her schemes and ambitions.
In addition, your National Championship will help you continue to advance your own schemes and ambitions. Each National Champion earns a Prize Bye for the first round of the World Championship, reducing the possibility that you'll be poisoned or stabbed in the back before you have time to put your plans into motion.
Will They Sing of Your Victory?
Will you leave the field as ragged and devastated as the remains of Houses Reyne and Tarbeck? Will the 2018 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship echo with the songs of your victory?
You have to play to win, so be sure to check our A Game of Thrones: The Card Game National Championship website for event details, and be sure to check back as we update the site!