Order Store Championship Kits by May 17th
Announcing Store Championships for Three of Our Games
Retailers: Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce Store Championships for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, Android: Netrunner, and Warhammer 40,000: Conquest!
Store Championships Kits for games on the November Track will be used from November 2016 through February 2017, and serve as a great way to attract new players to your store. They reward your regular customers with a bigger event, and they are the first step toward World Championships at the end of the year! Make your store the place to go with exclusive prizes and a fun tournament!
United States retailers, contact our sales team to preorder.
International retailers, click here to find your local distributor.
Do not delay! The preorder period for November Track Store Championship Kits will close on May 17th 23:59 CDT (Central Daylight Time).
What are Store Championships?
FFG Organized Play kicks off the Championship Series program every year in a big way with Store Championships. Hundreds of events are run around the world at participating retailers during a four-month period. Store Championships are local tournaments, and are a great opportunity for players to try out a new store or for newer players to experience playing their favorite game in a competitive setting. Overall, a Store Championship is a great way to build your community, attract new players, and give your existing players a tournament to anticipate and prepare for.
What Prizes and Materials Come in the Kits?
Each Store Championship Kit provides you with materials to help you run the best event possible. Each includes a range of exciting prizes, as well as a promotional poster and an information sheet with easy-to-follow instructions for running your Store Championship tournament.
Of course, the main allure of the Store Championship Kit is its desirable prizes. The contents of these kits vary from game to game, but each kit supports players at multiple levels:
- Thirty-two copies of a tournament-legal alternate art card from the game for the top competitors.
- Limited edition components and items to commemorate the accomplishments of top finishers. Each game features a different selection of sought-after prizes, such as acrylic tokens, deck boxes, or playmats for the Top 8 and Top 4 players, and a commemorative prize for the winner.
- One card worth a first-round bye at one of the game's Regional Championships in 2017.
Note: Previews of the exclusive contents in each game's Store Championship Kit will be featured in the weeks before the Store Championship season begins, providing players with their first glimpses of these exclusive materials and heightening anticipation for your Store Championship event.
An Added Bonus!
Don't forget: the Championship Series now begins and ends in your local store! Each Store Championship Kit includes two copies of the World Championship alternate art card! Each store will host a fun World Championship Celebration event between November 4th and 6th, and distribute these cards to their local players. It can be anything from open play with randomly awarded prizes, to a competitive tournament with an added Tournament Kit (sold separately), or even a trivia contest! Stores can also display the live feed from the World Championships, and inform players of their scheduled Store Championship date (which must be after November 6th).
Why are You Taking Preorders for Store Championships Now?
We recently announced a significant change to the Organized Play calendar which goes into effect near the end of 2016. This Store Championship season is the start of that change and will lead into Regional Championships for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, Android: Netrunner, and Warhammer 40,000: Conquest in May, 2017. Going forward, all Store Championships for games on the November Track will take place from November through the end of February of the following year.
What Games are Supported?
Stores can preorder one Store Championship Kit for any or all of these three games for this season. Take your players on a trip through a Westeros scarred by warring kings; give them a chance to battle in the brutal world of Warhammer 40,000; or watch as they hack their way into a Corporation’s servers.
Are You a Player?
The Store Championship preorder period isn't just an exciting time for retailers. It's also an exciting time for every committed player who wants to help grow his or her local community.
You can do your part by asking your favorite game store to preorder a Store Championship Kit for your favorite games on the November Track. If you’re interested in taking a more active role in bringing Organized Play events to your store, here are some other ways you can promote Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play:
- Encourage your friends to join you and play at your favorite local game store.
- Ask your favorite local game store if you can post a sign-up sheet for upcoming events.
- Check with your store to see if they are in need of an organizer or judge.
Additionally, you should keep watch for our upcoming previews of the Store Championship prizes, and alert your friends to the news about the exciting prizes they could win!
Preorder Today
Don’t miss out on your chance to grow your player base and show others in your area how awesome your store is! Preorder by May 17th 23:59 CDT (Central Daylight Time) by contacting our sales team if you are a U.S. retailer. International retailers should contact their distributor for more information about preordering a Store Championship Kit or with any questions they may have.