Order Your Summer 2015 Tournament Kits

Announcing New Tournament Kits for Android: Netrunner


Plug into your local Android: Netrunner community with our new Summer 2015 Android: Netrunner Tournament Kits! These exciting kits are now available through our B2B store or your distributor, but supplies are limited.

Pitting two players against each other in a high-stakes, futuristic cyberstruggle, Android: Netrunner continues to expand and build new game communities around the world. The Summer 2015 Android: Netrunner Tournament Kit comes with an event guide and new promotional materials to help support tournaments, league play, or any other event you wish to run. The Summer season begins in July and lasts through October.

How Do I Use a Tournament Kit?

Tournament Kits are designed for use with our competitive games, such as Android: Netrunner, and they can be used in several ways. These kits include prize support and promotional material designed to support competitive or casual tournament play at local retailers. Run an eight-week tournament series or league, use the prizes to support a single, large tournament, or host a weekly casual game night. Tournament Kits also come with a guide that provides tips and ideas on how to run a great event.

What’s in the Summer 2015 Android: Netrunner Tournament Kit?

Each Summer 2015 Android: Netrunner Tournament Kit comes with exciting prizes and materials to help tournament organizers attract players:

  • One playmat depicting the Criminal card Tri-maf Contact
  • Two copies of an alternate art Femme Fatale
  • Seventeen copies of an alternate art Swordsman
  • Four HaasBioroid deck boxes
  • A promotional poster depicting the Criminal card Tri-maf Contact
  • One informational pamphlet on running a tournament or league

Please note: The alternate art cards in this kit are produced through FFG's In-House Manufacturing, and as such, they may appear slightly different in color and texture from the game's other cards. To be tournament legal, these cards must be sleeved with opaque or art sleeves.

Order Your Kits Today

Don’t miss out on Summer 2015 Android: Netrunner Tournament Kits! Order your kits now through your distributor or our B2B store and be ready for the Summer season.

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