Make Your Mark

FFG World Champions Forge Their Legends in Their Favorite Games

After a record-setting 2013 Regional Championship season and the best-attended Gen Con Indy that FFG Organized Play has ever witnessed, we are looking forward to a monumentally good time at the FFG World Championship Weekend this November 7th – 11th at the brand new Fantasy Flight Games Center!

This year, our event schedule is so full that we’ve decided to get the festivities started on a Thursday in order to make room for all of our World Championship tournaments and side events. Now, the pinnacle of FFG Organized Play is a fully loaded, four-day celebration of great games!

Moreover, the FFG World Championship Weekend is your chance to compete for the title of World Champion and the coolest prize in gaming: the opportunity to make your mark upon the game you love!

Forge Your Own Legend

This year, the FFG World Championship Weekend is host to the World Championship tournaments for six of our brightest games:

In our last preview, we looked at some of the exclusive prizes at stake during these events, including custom messenger bags awarded to the top players in each of our tournaments and the original, one-of-a-kind playmats awarded to each of our LCG® champions.

Still, each World Champion wins another prize, one that’s less material, but certainly no less interesting. Indeed, this final prize is arguably the coolest prize in gaming: the right to work with the game’s developers to create a card to add to the game you love!

Fans of our older LCGs are well aware of this prize.

  • Two-time Warhammer: Invasion World Champion Timothy Lyons has made his mark through the creation of Mannfred Von Carstein (The Inevitable City, 18) and Reprimand (Cataclysm, 31), and 2012 World Champion Jeremy Zwirn will soon make his own impact upon the game with the upcoming of Hidden Kingdoms and his champion card, which will be featured in an upcoming Warhammer: Invasion preview!

Now, as FFG Organized Play continues to grow, we’re happy to expand this fantastic opportunity, and our Android: Netrunner, Star Wars: The Card Game, and X-Wing champions will also be able to enrich their favorite games.

Will you design a truly innovative piece of ice? Will you find a clever new way to win lightsaber duels? Will you build an upgrade for the Millennium Falcon™ or some other starship? If you can win one of FFG World Championships, you can forge your own legend within the game by contributing to the design of a card that players will continue to use for years to come!

Pre-Register Today

The FFG World Championship Weekend is a four-day celebration of great games, it’s a weekend full of fantastic competition, it’s your chance to make a mark on your favorite game, and it’s racing toward us!

Pre-registered attendees get a free FFG World Championship Weekend t-shirt

You can visit the FFG World Championship Weekend support page for more details, including the schedule of events and information about special rates at local hotels. While you’re planning your trip, you can consult our page of full event details.

Pre-registration closes this Friday at 6 PM Central Time, so register today!

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