By the 6th century, the city of Constantinopolis had grown to become the greatest “emporium” of ancient times. Strategically located between the Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara at the point where Europe meets Asia, Constantinopolis was extremely important as the successor to ancient Rome and was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe throughout the Middle Ages. It was known as the Queen of Cities.
Take on the role of an ambitious merchant during this golden era of trade in Constantinopolis. The task set before you is to become the most successful entrepreneur in the Queen of Cities. Compete against your rivals and earn the most renown by completing contracts and establishing viable trade. In the end, your fame is measured by your ability to expand your trade district while managing your delivery contracts.
Constantinopolis is a board game of resource management, economy, and trade for two to five players. With a moderate game time of one to two hours and intuitive rules, Constantinopolis strikes the perfect balance of accessibility and depth.
A game of Constantinopolis is played over a series of rounds, broken up into eight different phases. While the order in which these phases play out can often be important, many of them can be performed simultaneously by all players, saving time and keeping the action focused on all players.
During the first phase of the game, players determine which public office they would like to hold. Each public office offers its holder a special ability. Also, these public offices serve as the turn order, determining which player can carry out turn-specific phases first. Players individually bid for the office they would like to hold, choosing either their current office, a vacant office, or even one held by another player.
After establishing turn order, players refer to their player sheets and move any ships they have at sea toward their port. If one of their ships reaches the port, they will receive either gold or fame points, as indicated by the contract they are fulfilling. Some trips take longer than others and depending on what kind of ship is transporting the goods, it might be a couple turns before you can deliver on your contract.
Once sea travel is resolved, players gain goods as produced by the production buildings in their trade district. These buildings can be built during the next phase. This phase is resolved in turn order since available buildings are collectively shared by the players and each player’s choice has an impact on the rest of the phase. During this phase, players also have the option to buy or sell goods to the market.
The next phase allows players to acquire new contracts. The number of new contract cards a player is able to draw is reflected by their production level (or the number of production buildings they have). Accepted contract cards are assigned to available ships that are capable of fulfilling the contract, meaning they can carry the proposed number of goods and/or passengers.
Finally, before the end of the round phase, players have the option of donating goods to the city in order to gain fame points. Only one type of good can be donated per player during this phase. Fame points are tracked on the spaces provided surrounding the board. The player with the most fame points becomes the most renowned merchant of Constantinopolis!
Earn fame by completing contracts, expanding your trade district, and becoming the most efficient trader in the great city of Constantinopolis!

1 – 2 hours

2 – 5 players

Ages 12+
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