FFG Organized Play Participant Suspension Policy

Fantasy Flight Games considers event integrity to be a vital element of Organized Play. Participation in the fun and excitement of official FFG Organized Play is a privilege extended to players and event officials alike. The FFG Organized Play Participant Suspension Policy is designed to support all participants in a shared effort to maintain event integrity.

FFG Organized Play exists to create a fair, safe, and inclusive environment for competition and enjoyment of our games. A violation of any of those elements undermines the integrity of that event and, by extension, the global player community. When that violation is deemed intentional or habitual, FFG may revoke the privilege of participation in official Organized Play by issuing a suspension to that participant.

Suspension Procedure

When Fantasy Flight Games becomes aware of an incident that may have compromised the integrity of an official FFG Organized Play event, we attempt to collect statements and other evidence from all relevant parties. If we have reasonable suspicion of a serious violation, we may issue to that participant a temporary suspension from FFG Organized Play until the matter can be fully investigated.

After conducting a thorough investigation and considering all available evidence, FFG may issue a suspension for a length of time deemed appropriate.

FFG personnel will not confirm nor discuss any past or ongoing investigations beyond directing all such inquiries to the current FFG Organized Play Participant Suspension Policy.

Suspended Participant List Details

Individuals or entities on the Suspended Participant List are prohibited from participating in official FFG Organized Play in any role, including but not limited to event official, player, spectator, or host.

Organizers of official events are expected to check the Suspended Participant List below and enforce those suspensions by not allowing those participants to be present at their event. Failure to do so may result in a loss of opportunities to organize future events.

Any suspended participant found to be engaging in FFG Organized Play during their suspension should be removed from the event and may be subject to further suspension.

Notifying FFG of Violations

FFG may become aware of a violation through any number of methods, but there are two that are most common: an organizer who disqualifies a participant during an event, or a participant sending a report of a suspected violation after the event.

Whenever an organizer disqualifies a participant from an official FFG Organized Play event, they should collect statements and other evidence, along with contact information, from all relevant parties. The organizer will also compose a statement themselves, advising how serious the violation was and outlining their process in deciding to disqualify that participant. Immediately after the event, the organizer will include that information in an e-mail to [email protected] with “Disqualification Report” in the subject line.

In cases where no action was taken during the event, or evidence of a violation came to light after an event, concerned participants with substantial evidence to submit can take action. Any participants who were present when the potential violation occurred at an official FFG Organized Play event should compose an email to [email protected] with “Violation Report” in the subject line. The participant should include any statements or other evidence to which they have access, along with any contact information for relevant parties, including a personal statement.

Suspension Outcome

If a participant was not disqualified while at the event, they may have received prizes, both physical and non-physical. The suspended participant forfeits all titles, invitations, qualifications, byes at future events, and physical and non-physical prizes they have not yet received.

The suspended participant is retroactively disqualified from the tournament at which the violation occurred. If the suspended participant won the tournament, the title of Champion goes to the formerly second-place player. Provided they are still valid and time allows, any invitations, qualifications, and byes awarded to that player will pass down to the next eligible player in the final standings who did not receive those prizes at the tournament.

After a suspension has expired, the participant will not face further sanctions, but none of the forfeited items will be restored. If a suspension is lifted by FFG, the process of these outcomes will be stopped and reversed where possible.

Suspension Appeals

A suspended participant may appeal a suspension if they have additional evidence or statements which were not previously available during the investigation. Appeals should be submitted by email to [email protected] with “Suspension Appeal” in the subject line.

To see the Suspended Participant List, click on the tab below.

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