2019 Winter Court World Championship
Prizes and Event Details for the 2019 Winter Court World Championship
“One does not achieve victory by holding forces in reserve.”
–Akodo's Leadership
Snow has begun to fall in parts of the Emerald Empire. This change of seasons serves as a reminder that the momentous Winter Court, hosted by the Crane Clan, will soon arrive. In this tournament of noble duels, where the most skilled champions from the Great Clans of Rokugan will vie for the favor of regent Bayushi Shoju, and compete for glory and riches! These historic affairs of honor will be recorded and retold as stories long remembered, for many seasons to come.
At the end of the Winter Court, the one samurai who stands above the competition earns the prestigious title of Shōgun. This renowned champion not only receives riches beyond imagination, they will also be presented with a rare opportunity, where their sole decision could dramatically change the course of history for all Rokugan.
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game players, you can fight for your clan's honor and strive for the title of Shōgun at this year's Winter Court, held in the Fantasy Flight Games Center in Roseville, Minnesota from November 6–10, 2019! As the pinnacle of all Organized Play events, you can challenge the best players from around the world as you contend for top-tier prizes and take part in a wide variety of fun side events with exclusive prizes. As a World Championship event that's solely dedicated to Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, you can celebrate the world of Rokugan across multiple days with other passionate players!
For the first time ever, the Winter Court is invite-only—but if you haven't won your seat to this year's event yet, you'll have one last chance to earn it at the Last Chance Qualifier, taking place on November 6, one day before the main festivities begin. As highlighted in a previous article, even if you don't qualify through this event, you can still participate in all World Championship side events, the costume competition on Saturday, and the 2020 World Championship Qualifier. Tickets for the Last Chance Qualifier event are $25, and if you win your seat for the World Championship and choose to participate, there is an additional $25 charge. Get your tickets now!
This Winter, travel to Crane territory to defend your clan's honor and seek glory. Now, take a look at the full schedules of this year's World Championship events below, as well as the fantastic prizes you'll be contending for this November!
The Schedules
With this year's World Championship event dedicated to Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, you can experience your favorite game on a scale like never before. Soon, the seven Great Clans will meet for a series of decisive duels that will forever alter the fate of Rokugan.
Make your plan of attack now and download the full World Championship schedules below. We're looking forward to seeing how these epic duels unfold in November!
The Prizes
As an empire that has stood for more than one thousand years, Rokugan is rich with tales of miraculous triumphs and bitter defeats, both in the courts and on the battlefield. Some histories tell of noble courtiers and brave warriors who, when faced with immeasurable odds, discover the inner strength to triumph. Now, the Winter Court presents you with a rare opportunity to forge your name in these timeless pages of history and join these honorable heroes of legend.
Through your noteworthy achievements at the World Championship, you can earn promotional cards with metallic finishes, deckboxes, token bags, playmats, a variety of tokens, and more! With participation prizes, placement prizes, and exclusive rewards gained through the prize wall, you can enhance your game and fully commemorate your Winter Court experience.
The time has finally come to reveal this year's prizes. Read on below to unearth the treasures that await you.
Prize Wall
A bounty of riches awaits those samurai who earn prize tickets through the main event or side events. Among these prizes are a wide array of promotional cards, featuring characters like Vanguard Warrior, Brash Samurai, or Agasha Swordsmith and events like Hand to Hand, Display of Power, and Calling in Favors. All of these offerings feature black framing laced with an intricate silver or gold trim. Also available on the prize wall at the 2019 Winter Court World Championship is a deckbox featuring art by Mark Smylie from the Crane event card, The Spear Rushes Forth.
Depending on your chosen faction, each player who participates in the 2019 Winter Court World Championship will receive a set of three promotional character cards, with black framing and a striking gold trim. Players will also receive a gorgeous playmat and deckbox featuring art from The Spear Rushes Forth. Not only that, simply for participating in the main event, players receive a drawstring token bag (not pictured) and a set of premium metal ring tokens! Separately, all players who make it to Day 2 will receive an Imperial Favor token, naturally featuring both military and political sides of the coin.
Top 32
Players who cut their way into the overall Top 32 on Day 2 will receive a blue honor dial featuring the art of Kevin Sidharta from the Crane character card, Winter Court Hosts. Separately, on each day, the Top 32 players for each clan will receive a set of three promotional cards of one of their clan's characters. Each of these cards has black framing with gold trim. As you will soon discover, your loyalty to your clan will be greatly rewarded, but this is only the beginning of the rewards available.
Top 16
Following the theme of clan loyalty, the Top 16 players per day from each clan will receive a different set of three promotional cards with black framing and a gold trim, including such powerful options as Display of Power, Political Rival, and Watch Commander. In addition, the Top 16 overall players will win a set of twenty-five wooden honor tokens, adorned with the 2019 World Championship symbol.
Top 8
Those who prove their mettle and place within the Top 8 of each clan per day will be rewarded with a gorgeous playmat for their performance. These playmats feature art from cards like Graceful Guardian, Kaiu Shihobu, and Never Yield. Furthermore, during the elimination rounds on Day 2, players who make it into the Top 8 cut will receive a set of five promotional province cards with gold trim, including Manicured Garden, Shameful Display, Meditations on the Tao, Midnight Revels, and Upholding Authority. These cards will also be awarded to the Top 2 players per faction on for each day of the main event. In addition, the previous World Champions will be honored with a set of these cards!
Top 4
Samurai who rank among the very best of their clan on either day of the main event will achieve Hatamoto status and a playmat that signifies their profound accomplishment. Those who climb the ranks to the Top 4 overall will also be bestowed with the esteemed title of Hatamoto. In addition to this exclusive prize, the title of Hatamoto grants these elite players many other benefits and rewards, including the opportunity to shape the future of their clan!
The one Legend of The Five Rings: The Card Game player who rises above the competition and claims the title of Shōgun will also win a one-of-kind stunning playmat with an illustration of a samurai on their steed, illuminated by the blazing sun. In addition to this prize, and every other reward they earned along the path to achieving victory, this accomplished player will also receive a unique trophy (not pictured) denoting their masterful achievement!
Glory Awaits
The greatest samurai from all parts of Rokugan will brave the elements and meet at the Winter Court, where one warrior will achieve the legendary status of Shōgun. You have been chosen to represent your Great Clan, now you must bring honor to your people and fulfill your destiny! While this event is invite-only, you can still get your seat at this year's Winter Court by participating in the Last Chance Qualifier event. Be sure to get your tickets now for this event and join us this November!
Of course, if you are obligated to fulfill your duties at home, you can still be a part of the action as we livestream the main event from FFG Live on Twitch and YouTube. Support your clan and cheer on your favorite players as they come head-to-head with the greatest warriors from the Emerald Empire.
Join us this winter for the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game World Championship and your chance at the coveted title of Shōgun and a host of legendary prizes!