Roar of the Lioness
Read a New Short Story Set in the World of Legend of the Five Rings
“Victory—true victory, not simple reclamation of what is ours—is a taste we have been denied for too long.”
–Matsu Tsuko, Roar of the Lioness
In a state of constant war, the Lion have been denied victory for too long. They fight for scraps to reclaim what is already theirs. With a lack of meaningful progress, of direction, what do the Lion have to offer to the empire? This is the question that plagues Matsu Tsuko, burning with vengeance for the loss of her beloved Akoda Arasou. But Tsuko has a plan, one that may change the fate of the Lion Clan forever.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present "Roar of the Lioness" by Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda, a new short story set in the world of Legend of the Five Rings!
A New Path
"Roar of the Lioness" continues the story of the Lion Clan—whose roots can be found in "The Price of War"—and can be downloaded here (2.0 MB). The story also follows up on events found in both "The Fate of Flames" and "The Fires of Justice".
Be sure to check back frequently for even more Legend of the Five Rings fiction.
Discover the new path of the Lion with The Emperor’s Legion Clan Pack (L5C27) for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, available now for pre-order from your local retailer or our website with free shipping in the continental United States!