13 November 2018 | KeyForge

The Master Vault

What to Expect from the KeyForge Website and Companion App


“Don’t worry, Momo. We’ll have this quantum death ray installed in no time.”
   –Doc Bookton

Order your own copy of KeyForge: Call of the Archons at your local retailer or online through our website today!

In the chaotic clashes of KeyForge, you and your rival become Archons racing to unlock the power of the Crucible, hidden in Vaults that lie scattered across the planet. In these tactical contests of wits and will, you must discover the strength of your unique teams built from the creatures, technology, and talents of three of the Crucible’s seven Houses.

To help you track your many allies and navigate the world of the Crucible, we're pleased to offer you a closer look at the companion app and website for KeyForge: Call of the Archons—available in open beta at KeyForgeGame.com on November 15!

Strange Gizmo

The Dawn of Discovery has arrived!

With the wide release of KeyForge and the Call of the Archons set coming this Thursday, you have the chance to enter the Crucible for the first time. Unique Archons Decks await, each one completely unlike any other in existence, and during the Dawn of Discovery, you'll have the chance to gather your own Archons. And with the KeyForge Master Vault website and companion app, you can enter the world of the Crucible like never before!

KeyForge offers Organized Play from the very first day, with events and tournaments inviting you to head to your local retailer and join other players in the greater KeyForge community. This first era of Organized Play—the Dawn of Discovery—is a chance for you to discover the game, learning more about the strengths, weaknesses, and combos of your unique decks and discovering the meta before the official competitive season starts. And coming soon, with the start of the game's first competitive season, the performance of your decks will be tracked in the Master Vault app and website, as it records the wins, losses, power, and chains of your decks!

When you're using the Master Vault, you'll be able to keep an inventory of each of your Archon teams on the My Decks page. On the app, you can scan the QR code on the back of your deck’s Archon card. Alternatively, you can simply enter the fifteen-digit code on the back of the Archon card to add the deck to your profile. Once you have registered your decks, you will be able to view complete stats and card lists, sort decks by favorites, and search using various filters to help you prepare for any matchup. This section of the site also features a notes section that you can refer to and expand at any time, as you continue to learn about each deck in your collection and discover the most powerful synergies within them.

Your Profile page links directly to your Asmodee.net account. For each deck that you discover by registering it for the first time, you will earn one Æmbershard, which will act as the in-app reward system of KeyForge! Throughout the Dawn of Discovery, you will earn Æmbershards for deck discovery, and as both the site and the game evolve in the coming months, you will be able to redeem these shards for special prizes.

As you and other players register Archon Decks, they will become available to be searched using the Search Decks page. This search engine contains all the decks that have ever been registered on the site! You will be able to look through all of these registered decks, sorting by factions or using keywords to aid your search. Then, once the first competitive season for KeyForge begins, stats like power, chains, wins, and losses will all be tracked and recorded at various Organized Play events, allowing you to search by these stats and view them on decks.

As KeyForge continues to grow after its release, the site and mobile app’s ability to track your individual performance based on aggregated tournament results and, separately, the performance of individual Archon Decks, will play a key role in the future of KeyForge Organized Play. Your Æmbershards, keys, chains, and power levels recorded in the Master Vault will lead you to new Organized Play discoveries, which you can expect more details about soon as we draw closer to the first competitive season of KeyForge Organized Play. 

When the Master Vault fully opens, FFG’s Organized Play will reward your participation and performance at events with Æmbershards, and your registered Archon Decks will collect chains and earn power levels which will remain with the decks, even if you trade them to other players. While your clashes on the Crucible may be competitive, the idea of unity and interaction is what makes the Crucible unique among every other planet in the universe. The only way to master this world is to embrace it.

We'll have much more information about KeyForge tournaments and events coming soon on the site’s Organized Play page!

Access Granted

The Dawn of Discovery has only just begun, and the Master Vault will continue to evolve, just as the Crucible itself grows and changes with each piece of a world that the Architects bring from across the stars. Now, you have the chance to explore this strange world and log your findings. What will you uncover? Answer the call of the Archons and begin your otherworldy exploration!

The Master Vault will be available online at KeyForgeGame.com, as well as through Google Play at launch on November 15. The iOS app will be available through the App Store soon.

Pick up your copy of KeyForge: Call of the Archons (KF01) and your collection of Archon Decks (KF02a) at your local retailer on Thursday or on the Fantasy Flight Games website here! Then, be sure to register your decks using the Master Vault companion app or online at KeyForgeGame.com.

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