Your New World Champions
Results from the 2017 November World Championships
The 2017 November World Championships have come to a close.
From Wednesday through Sunday, the Fantasy Flight Games Center played host to hundreds upon hundreds of games, all waged by the participants in World Championship events for four games—A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, Android: Netrunner, Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, and Runewars Miniatures Game.
The challengers hailed from more than a dozen nations, and the international contestants made their presence well and truly felt as they didn't just fight at the top tables; they won them.
Now, we at Fantasy Flight Games are proud to announce your new World Champions!
- 2017 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Champion — Reinhard Schefcik (Austria)
- 2017 Android: Netrunner World Champion —Wilfy Horig (Australia)
- 2017 Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game World Champion — Samuel Benies (France)
- 2017 Runewars Miniatures Game World Champion — Ben Fox (Ireland)
Congratulations to all four champions, and a great round of thanks to all who participated in this year's World Championships—either by joining us at the Fantasy Flight Games Center or by following and supporting your favorite players on our Twitch stream.
We are happy to share our World Champions' lists, along with some of the event's highlights and statistics.
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
Hard on the heels of his 2017 European Championship victory, Reinhard Schefcik added the title of World Champion to his resume, edging out Eric Greene in the final match.
Reinhard played House Targaryen with The Lord of the Crossing agenda and made great use of both Flea Bottom and Plaza of Pride to get maximum value from his characters. His complete deck list is now available for download.
World Champion Lists
Despite what Reinhard saw in House Targaryen, the Targaryens were not the most widely represented House in the tournament. That honor went to House Greyjoy while both the Lannisters and Martells were quite popular, as well.
Reinhard's choice of The Lord of the Crossing also ran against the prevailing wisdom, which saw "The Rains of Castamere" and Banner of the Rose leading the way on Day 2. Fealty was the third most common of the Day 2 agendas.
Android: Netrunner
The introduction of rotation, the Revised Core Set, and a new Most Wanted List ensured that this year's Android: Netrunner World Championships were going to break sharply from the years before them. The meta took a serious curve, and players everywhere did their best to play through the changes and figure out the best way forward.
No one proved more successful in this endeavor than 2017 World Champion Wilfy Horig, who pegged his meta calls perfectly with his Hayley Kaplan and Cerebral Imaging decks, both of which were built around a number of impactful one-of card selections that proved instrumental to his success.
Wilfy's Runner and Corp decks are now both available for download.
World Champion Lists
Wilfy's ID choices both reflected the prevailing wisdom, as Hayley Kaplan and Cerebral Imaging were the most popular Runner and Corp identities, respectively.
Shapers, especially, were strong in the new meta, thanks largley to their ability to search for the cards they need, and while Cerebral Imaging was the single most popular ID, Haas-Bioroid was slightly less popular than Jinteki on Day 1. But the bioroids proved stronger than the clones in 2017, as we see them rising to the top for Day 2.
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game
The first-ever Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game World Championship was claimed by Samuel Benies, an ardent supporter of the Lion Clan.
Fittingly, Samuel's victory came at the end of a season in which we've seen the story fiction center around the conflicts raging between the Lion and the Crane—around Toshi Ranbo and across the Osari Plains. And Samuel won his Shogun title by defeating the Crane challenger, John Urbanek, at the final table.
As Shogun, Samuel decided to send the Lion Clan along the path of justice, and the consequences of his decision will be revealed over time.
Samuel's deck list is now available as a downloadable pdf.
World Champion Lists
Overall, the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game World Championships were well represented by members of all the Great Clans—with the Unicorn Clan lagging a bit behind.
While the Dragon Clan were the most popular clan on Day 1, it was the Scorpion Clan that found the greatest representation on Day 2, although the Dragon Clan still proved the most popular target for influence—by a wide margin.
Finally, the top representatives of each Great Clan closed the Winter Court by selecting the new clan roles. These have been updated on the clan roles section of the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Organized Play website.
Runewars Miniatures Game
Ben Fox and the Latari Elves claimed the first-ever Runewars Miniatures Game World Championships.
Prior to the event, there had been a great deal of speculation that the Daqan would simply dominate the proceedings. In the end, however, the Daqan were routed by both the Latari Elves and the forces of Waiqar, as the majority of players had designed their lists in order to defeat the Daqan.
And it was this focus against the Daqan, in part, that allowed three of the Latari players to make their way to the Top 4.
The Latari Elves and their tactics were newer to the game, and the Latari players seemed to catch some of their opponents off-guard with their novel strategies. Of course, no one proved more adept at thwarting his opponent's expectations than Ben, who built his army around immobilizing his opponents before perforating them with ranged damage.
Ben's list is now available for download.
World Champion Lists
The World's Best
Thanks to everyone who played in and watched this year's November World Championships. You made this a truly special event, and we hope you enjoy revisiting it on our Twitch stream.
We hope to see you again next year, and in the meantime, be sure to keep checking our website for all the latest updates on your favorite games!