New Flight Patterns
A New FAQ is Available for Star Wars™: The Card Game
As the 2015 Store Championship season winds down, we bring you the first of our regularly scheduled rules updates this year. While the updates for our other OP-supported games will arrive a bit later, the Star Wars™: The Card Game FAQ is arriving early thanks to the release of the Rogue Squadron cycle, which expands the possibilities and gameplay of Pilot cards.
Will you recruit these new pilots to the light side or to the dark side? No matter which you choose, be sure to read the new FAQ (pdf, 5.7 MB) before heading out to your next tournament. There are no updates to the tournament rules (pdf, 1.3 MB) at this time.
This new FAQ and its changes take effect immediately as of March 20, 2015.
A Word from the Developers
Hello Star Wars: The Card Game players!
With the Rogue Squadron cycle now upon us, we are issuing a new FAQ to provide errata to the existing Pilot cards so that they will work with the mechanics of the new cycle.
The following cards have received functional errata: Black Squadron Pilot (Core Set, 17), Wedge Antilles (The Desolation of Hoth, 183), and Luke Skywalker (Escape from Hoth, 301). In all three cases, the errata allows the card to gain its ability when it “enters play” as an enhancement, rather than only when “played” as an enhancement. This small change will ensure that these three Pilot cards interact properly with all of the mechanics of the Rogue Squadron cycle.
Additionally, we have added a rules clarification regarding the definition of unique cards and provided an order of priority to resolve Forced Interrupts and Forced Reactions in relation to non-Forced Interrupts or Reactions. We have also expanded the section on Effect Resolution to cover the resolution of passive abilities and fate cards.
Finally, a few questions have been added to the end of the Frequently Asked Questions section. These cover questions that have arisen regarding the Jubba Bird (Between the Shadows, 648) and Black Sun Headhunter (Between the Shadows, 672).
We hope that everyone is Ready for Takeoff!
Erik Dahlman
Nate French
Thanks, Erik and Nate!
The Rogue Squadron cycle has now arrived, and pilots everywhere are racing through the stars and skies. Don't be left behind. Download the new FAQ today so you’ll know clearly how to take advantage of these awesome new cards.