6 November 2012

Week Ten

An Update on the STAR WARS(R): Edge of the Empire Beta Test

Hello Edge of the Empire Beta Testers!

This week we have a couple changes for you to look at, as well as a new rule revision for those of you who want to build two-weapon wielding characters.

First and foremost, the distribution of additional damage for all combat checks that can generate multiple checks has changed. The revision is to ensure that weapons that can generate multiple hits also do not generate excessive amounts of additional damage (basically, we want to avoid multiplying the additional damage by the number of additional hits). We would like testers to focus on two aspects of this. First, does this address some of the complaints some testers have had with the Auto-fire quality in particular? Second, does requiring the user to allocate additional damage amongst multiple hits slow the game down to an unacceptable degree? Please test this out in some combat encounters and let us know. 

We’ve also introduced additional rules allowing characters to wield a melee and a ranged weapon in combat and use both of them, or even make two attacks using one’s fists. These more generalized two weapon fighting rules are intended to allow for greater flexibility for players (although those player characters who use two pistols or two one-handed melee weapons will find the practical mechanics of the rules have not changed for them).

Week 10 update (Low-res pdf, 3.1 MB) Week 10 update (High-res pdf, 5.7 MB)

Finally, we would like to announce that this beta test will be coming to an end soon. Next week will be our final update, although we’ll leave the forums running for the foreseeable future and continue to monitor them for feedback. We’d like to thank everyone for the valuable work you’ve done, as we move forward into getting this book ready for general release. The response from the fan community here has been outstanding. Thank you.

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