27 September 2010

Attention All Retailers!

Introducing the Fantasy Flight Media Center, a revolutionary sales tool

Are you a retailer looking for a great new promotional tool? FFG is proud to announce the upcoming debut of the Fantasy Flight Media Center!

Debuting this November, the Fantasy Flight Media Center is a revolutionary new sales tool available to qualifying hobby market retailers: a touchscreen terminal designed to be placed directly on your retail shelves. Using WiFi technology, this high-definition interactive device will showcase FFG’s spectacular game trailers, product news, video game tutorials, and more. It's like having a new employee who's an FFG expert!

Running under the hood of the FFMC is a custom software solution, coded from scratch by FFG’s Interactive Department. Designed to seamlessly and automatically update new content from FFG, this innovative device enables your store to be among the first in the world to experience news and fresh visual interactive content from FFG.

Physically, the FFMC terminal is a custom-built chassis (in gorgeous shiny black) constructed around an iPad computing device. The chassis is equipped with speakers, access to controls, and physical mechanisms to keep itself locked and (if needed) bolted to the retail shelf. The result is an indispensable sales tool that fits beautifully among your FFG products!

Click the image above for an in-depth video overview of the Fantasy Flight Media Center

Pat Fuge of Gnome Games, a Wisconsin retailer involved in testing the FFMC, had this to say:

“The [FFG Retail Section] space is "THE SPACE".  Every customer notices it and the FFMC terminal makes it fresh every single time with added motion & sound.

Here is a specific example of how it works: Saturday afternoon I had a customer come in looking for a mostly cooperative game where some players are working against the others.  We offered him Shadows over Camelot and Battlestar Galactica.  I did our usual sales pitch for both, he had Shadows over Camelot in his hands when we walked over to the  FFG Space.  As I tapped the screen to navigate to the BSG video I offered to take the Shadows to the counter for him. He watched the video, and about half way through he had a copy of the game in hand - 5 minutes later he was at the counter with 2 questions - how long does this take to play and when is the next expansion coming.  He purchased both the base game and Pegasus expansion.”

Thanks, Pat! If you own or manage a hobby games store, don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity. Head to our FFMC website for more information, then apply today!

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