2 September 2015 | BattleLore

Alive vs. Undead

Combating the Undead Faction in BattleLore

17 June 2015 | BattleLore

Charge into Battle!

BattleLore: Command for iOS and Android Is On Sale!

11 June 2015 | Battlelore: Command

Time to Attack!

BattleLore: Command for Steam Is On Sale

5 June 2015 | BattleLore

New Forces Enter the Fray

The BattleLore Army Packs Are Now Available

19 May 2015 | BattleLore

Revolutionary Armies

Deploying the Units of Hernfar Guardians and Warband of Scorn into Battle

29 April 2015 | BattleLore

Shock Tactics

Preview the Lore Cards of Hernfar Guardians and Warband of Scorn 

13 February 2015 | BattleLore

The Lay of the Battlefield

Preview the New Scenarios of Hernfar Guardians and Warband of Scorn

17 December 2014 | BattleLore

Guarding the Land of Steel

Preview the Daqan Units of the Hernfar Guardians Army Pack

16 September 2014 | BattleLore

Hernfar Guardians and Warband of Scorn

Announcing Two Army Pack Expansions for BattleLore Second Edition

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