“Red Five standing by.”
      –Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: A New Hope

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce that the first Game Night Kits for X-Wing™ are now available to retailers through our B2B store.

X-Wing is a fast-paced, tabletop miniatures game of dueling starfighters set in the Star Wars galaxy. Now, with the release of X-Wing Game Night Kits, it’s time for squad leaders everywhere to call their pilots to their ships and lead them to battle.

The X-Wing Game Night Kit

Game Nights are the basic building blocks upon which Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play is structured. All our Organized Play programs focus on the communities of players who meet to enjoy our games, and Game Nights are the most elemental expression of this community, providing players a simple way to get involved with their local gaming communities year-round.

Organizers of Game Nights can run them as casual leagues, informal open-play events, competitive leagues, or as one-day tournaments. Organizers have complete freedom when they schedule these events, and our Game Night Kits are meant to support their efforts.

The X-Wing Game Night Kit allows players to help decide the fate of the galaxy with each game they play. As Imperials and Rebel forces collide, organizers can track their results on the kit’s game poster. Then once the battles have subsided, participants receive their rewards.

The fourth quarter 2012 X-Wing Game Night Kit includes:

Retailers can order our Game Night Kits, including the X-Wing Game Night Kit, through our B2B store.

Don’t have a B2B account? U.S retailers can fill out our online B2B application . International retailers should contact their local distributors.

Are You an X-Wing Player?

You can do your part by telling your favorite local game store about our X-Wing Game Night Kits!

If you’re really interested, here are some other ways you can promote X-Wing Game Nights:

Draw players into the tense dogfights of X-Wing with the game’s fourth quarter 2012 Game Night Kits, now available on our B2B store!

X-Wing is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game in whi ch players take control of powerful rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial TIE Fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates Star Wars’ exciting space battles. Select your crew, plan your maneuvers, and complete your mission!

© & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.


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