Operation “Icarus,” an expansion for Dust Tactics , is now available at your local retailer and on our webstore ! Beneath the city of Zverograd lay ruins filled with the promise of alien technology and VK energy, and the Allies, Axis, and SSU will stop at nothing to secure the city once and for all. The Axis has a firm grip on the airfield just outside of this Soviet city. Meanwhile, Axis troops are taking cover in quonset huts and leveraging their new Horten HO-347s to defend the skies.
If the Allies have any hope of taking the city, then they must secure the airfield to utilize their massive air fleet. Operation “Icarus” brings the Allied assault to life as the airfield becomes the centerpiece of the contest for Zverograd. The Allied approach will not be easy with a distinct lack of cover on the airfield, the entrenched Axis forces, and the SSU still trying to hold the city itself.
Zverograd Beckons
Operation “Icarus” introduces new rules for minefields, the limited cover provided by the trees that line the airfield’s landing strips, and the quonset huts in which the Axis forces await the Allied assault. All these elements come together to create the dangerous new battleground that comes sharply into focus with the seven tense and ferocious scenarios of the Operation “Icarus” campaign.
Operation “Icarus” ffers a large dossier of information on the city of Zverograd, featuring an expanded look at the ravaged city that began to be revealed in Operation “Hades.” Zverograd has a number of key tactical locations, and many are connected by the very underground tunnels and metro lines that housed the claustrophobic Rattenkrieg. Operation “Icarus” brings a wealth of information to players about these various strategic locales, allowing you to build your own scenario objectives.
New Heroes Take the Field
The Axis has brought their best and brightest to bear in this struggle to hold the airfield from the Allies and the SSU. Colonel Prince von Furstenwerth, known as the “Panzerprinz,” is one of the most famous armor commanders in the Axis army. His innovative walker tactics have become the stuff of legend, earning him the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. This soldier’s tactical genius will be one of the greatest threats to the Allies’ Operation “Icarus.” The Axis soldiers will rally around their Ace Pilot and provide a wall of opposition with walkers performing at peak efficiency.
Pre-painted Premium versions of Panzerprinz (left) and Sgt. Victory (right)
In turn, the Allies will hope the stories surrounding their superhuman hero are true. They say that Sergeant Percy Washington can run faster than a horse, tear apart a Luther with his bare hands, and survive direct hits from enemy bullets. With his telekinetic strength, remarkable speed, and uncanny resistance to kinetic weapons, “Sgt. Victory” may provide the Allies just the edge they need to turn the tide of their battle for Zverograd.
Dust Tactics Premium Edition
Operation “Icarus” is also available from FFG’s Dust Tactics Premium Edition line. The Premium Edition of Operation “Icarus” features detailed and professionally painted versions of Sgt. Victory and the Panzerprinz. Each one is painted according to the art direction of Vincent Fontaine from Dust Studio. From the highlights that call out the expressions on their faces to the polish of their boots, each of these Premium heroes is a stunning and stylish addition to any army.
The SSU and Axis forces have closed off the other points of entry to Zverograd. Now, as the world’s greatest militaries battle for control of the crumbling city and the skies above it, the Allies risk everything to establish a greater foothold and a base of operations for their future air strikes.
It’s an all-out offensive fought in the open, and there’s no time to spare. Get ready for fast and furious combats as the Allies seek to seize Zverograd’s airfield in Operation “Icarus” !
Dust Tactics
is a tactical miniatures game of brutal combat for 2-4 players. Based on the popular universe created by artist Paolo Parente, Dust Tactics presents
an alternate 1940s reality in which alien technology fuels gigantic machines of war, and the world's superpowers clash over rare mineral deposits that could ultimately decide the outcome of WWII.