The rattle of Axis gunfire was everywhere, punctuated by the boom of their walkers’ cannons. At the end of the block, a building’s wall erupted. Still, the soldiers of the SSU’s fifth infantry had a job to do, and their Commissar was committed to seeing it done. “The Fonvinzin,” as the men called him, bit down on his cigar, then surveyed his men, staring into their eyes. They might not all survive the sprint into position, but he could see that they would follow. He stood up and began to run…

The SSU Commissar Squad is coming soon, and this exciting expansion for Dust Tactics is set to give SSU players some dynamic new army building options.

SSU Commissar Squad

A Collection of Remarkable Individuals

Also known as the “ Drakoni ,” this collection of five Commissars can work together to rain destruction down upon both enemy squads and walkers, but they can also do something different, something that gives them a unique place in the SSU army: they can split up to join other squads.

That’s right. Each Commissar has the ability, like a hero, to join another squad, even if that squad already has a hero joined to it. The five unique Commissars from the SSU Commissar Squad expansion each come with their own unit cards, allowing you to separate the squad members and join them with other forces.

Because a Commissar adds its skills and hit points to any squad it joins, just like a hero, you can create elite, skilled squads at a cost lower than you’d have to pay to add a hero. Or you can add a hero, too, and create an exceptionally specialized or talented team of SSU infantry.

Lead developer Mack Martin comments on the army build options the Commissars afford players:

One of the combinations that will be readily apparent to many SSU players, is the addition of a Commissar with Assault, like The Fonvinzin, to a unit that already has Assault. Not only is it a great way to get rapid units into position, but if the Commissar uses his first, he can be safely removed as a casualty. While a player can't activate both in the same turn, the ability to use Assault twice in a game gives a unit a unique tactical advantage. All for just a few points. Combine this with a hero like Yakov, who specializes at close range, and an SSU player has a powerful ball of close range death on the field!

That’s just one of the many options the SSU Commissar Squad affords you. Alternatively, you could add “ The Karamzin ” to your SSU Battle Squad to bolster the unit with a welcome threat to enemy walkers. When you reinforce your Frontoviki with The Karamzin and his PTRS-47 bazooka, your opponent’s combat walkers can no longer approach the squad with impunity. Meanwhile, The Karamzin changes the dynamic of your squad for a mere seven points, much less than the cost of a hero. And that’s the point of these Commissars; they are shining examples of the SSU’s ideals, dispersed among the ranks to bolster troop morale and lend direction in the heat of battle.

Look for the SSU Commissar Squad to take your SSU army in all-new directions when they arrive at a retailer near you next week!

Dust Tactics is a tactical miniatures game of brutal combat for 2-4 players. Based on the popular universe created by artist Paolo Parente, Dust Tactics presents an alternate 1940s reality in which alien technology fuels gigantic machines of war, and the world's superpowers clash over rare mineral deposits that could ultimately decide the outcome of WWII.

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