The Sino-Soviet Union troops in Zverograd have just gained some much-needed support. After suffering through years of punishing campaigns, casualties, destroyed lands, and plundered resources, the SSU has finally fortified its front lines with combat walkers capable of taking the fight back to the Axis and Allied invaders.
The Dust Tactics KV47 Walker Expansion is now available to help the SSU hold its war-torn city. You can pick up your copy of this deadly medium walker from your local retailer today, or you can order it online from our webstore !
One Versatile Walker, Three Configurations
The KV47 Walker includes one versatile model that can be customized in any one of three lethal configurations, each with its own strengths and surprises. Still, years of hard warfare have taught the SSU the value of resilience, and all three configurations of the KV47 feature armor worth 5 Hit Points, greater than the average values for both Axis and Allied medium walkers.
The KV47-A Nadya wields twin sulfur jets, each of which is capable of incinerating whole squads or medium walkers at Range 1. The streams of fire from these fearsome flame weapons can even melt through the hulls of the heaviest walkers in the world, and they can also punish any unsuspecting enemies who might settle into a position to take fire, thinking themselves just out of the Nadya ’s range. By combining the fire from both sulfur jets, the Nadya can launch a single shot of flame that extends shortly beyond its normal range!
For those SSU generals seeking greater range from their walkers, the KV47-B Natasha is the natural choice. Its two 45 mm Howitzers fire grenades up to Range 6, making it an ideal machine to control enemy squads on an open battlefield. The Natasha lacks the Nadya ’s punch against medium walkers, but it can, in dire circumstances, run its weapons into the red to double its rate of fire with its All in One ability. At such rates of fire, a skillful marksman can take down a medium walker…or completely obliterate as many as two infantry units.
Finally, the KV47-C Natalya is a true engine of death at close range. The Natalya lacks the options at range the other two configurations provide, but when it can maneuver adjacent to enemy forces, its twin chainsaws cut through heavy walkers as easily as they rip through infantry. The SSU knows better than to employ the Natalya in such wide open battlefields as they contest along the deserts of Africa, but in the urban battle zones of Zverograd, the Natalya has more than earned its reputation as one of the SSU’s purest and deadliest weapons of destruction.
No Surrender
Rally your SSU forces with the sight of these powerful combat walkers! The KV47 Walker Expansion is available now at your local retailer and online from our webstore .
Note: Gorgeous, professional pre-painted versions of the Nadya , Natasha , and Natalya are also now available through our Dust Tactics Premium store!
Dust Tactics
is a tactical miniatures game of brutal combat for 2-4 players. Based on the popular universe created by artist Paolo Parente, Dust Tactics presents
an alternate 1940s reality in which alien technology fuels gigantic machines of war, and the world's superpowers clash over rare mineral deposits that could ultimately decide the outcome of WWII.