A battered trading vessel has just docked at the FFG warehouse, having braved the perils of the galaxy to deliver its precious cargo. The freighter’s crew faced untold dangers to spread the word of the Emperor to our offices, and very soon, the same sacred responsibility will fall to you.

Sam Stewart and Ross Watson celebrate the recent arrival of a shipment of Rogue Trader Collector's Edition

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce that copies of Rogue Trader will soon be on their way to distributors!

Regular editions of the much-anticipated core rulebook will begin shipping to distributors next week, and Collector’s Edition copies are already being hand assembled and shipped out by FFG employees. But if you ordered a copy of Rogue Trader Collector’s Edition , please be patient. Due to the meticulous preparation process involved in personalizing these rare artefacts, we can only send out roughly fifty copies per day.

Prepare your crew, ready your weapons, and set a course for wealth and glory. Soon, you will claim your prize...

Rogue Trader is a roleplaying game set in dark gothic far future of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players take on the roles of explorers aboard a Rogue Trader's ship, searching for profit and adventure while discovering new alien cultures and threats in the uncharted regions of space.

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