The grave robber’s skin itched as the sun sank beneath the stand of trees at the western edge of the cemetery. He pulled back his sleeve to scratch at his arm and noticed that his hair had grown strangely dark and thick. Plus, his fingernails had grown unexpectedly long and sharp. Then he was caught by an excruciating pain. His muscles all started to burn, his skin drew tight all around him, and he lost consciousness for a moment… The next he knew, he could smell a distant fear in the air. He could hear the soft breath of a potential victim. He threw back his head and howled at the moon!
Add an element of gothic horror to your games of Talisman . The Blood Moon expansion is now available at your local retailer and online through our webstore .
The quest for the Crown of Command leads into the darkest reaches of the realm, where nocturnal predators wait for sunset to stalk their prey. The world of Talisman has always been full of adventure, but The Blood Moon adds new elements of excitement and suspense with new rules for the distinction between sunny Days and bone-chilling Nights. Players will encounter new challenges amid the expansion’s 111 new Adventure cards, three Alternative Endings, ten spells, and three new characters.
The Dread of Night
Not only does
The Blood Moon
add new rules for
the passage of time
, it provides plenty of reasons for characters to fear Nightfall! New Lunar Events remain in play until either Daybreak or Nightfall, and this means that as their darkest effects add up, the realm can become a truly terrifying place.
Characters may find their movement hindered or face mobs of terrifying creatures, including the
fearsome Werewolf
that prowls the realm in search of prey and characters to bend to its will.
Characters who encounter the Werewolf may gain the curse of lycanthropy, becoming the Werewolf’s unwitting servants, spreading the disease and forwarding the Werewolf’s dominion over the land.
Act Quickly!
The new mechanics and cards of The Blood Moon expansion integrate seamlessly into your games to add a new dimension of gothic horror, and there’s no better time to head to your local retailer to pick up this exciting expansion than right now.
Don’t let Nightfall catch you unprepared. Pick up your copy of The Blood Moon today to confront the realm’s most terrifying adversaries. If you act quickly, you can defeat them before the last of the daylight hours fade!
is a
classic board game of adventuring through the lands in search of the powerful Crown of Command. Take control of one of 14 different characters from a powerful Troll to a magical Druid, and enter a beloved world of fantasy adventure!